On Disruptive DMs, Diverging Dreams and Digital Diaries

Hey Reader,

Another week, another emotional rollercoaster. But we did get a joy win this week with Tim Walz being announced as Kamala Harris’ Vice President (I’m gon speak things out loud as we want them to be). We love a dad-joke telling, cussing, high school teacher in the 2nd seat. YES. It’s giving Ted Lasso in politics. I love to see it.

And I’m full chested voting for this ticket. This gets me to…


Black women are not your mammies or attack dogs!

This week, I had to bless and block someone who was bringing absolute wildness to my digital door just cuz I’m supporting VP Harris. She invoked Palestine and cursed at me. And I put her on blast. 😒

Y’ALL NEED TO STOP COMING FOR BLACK WOMEN YOU’RE FOLLOWING. It’s been happening on both sides for 10 months and I’m like HOW WE GET IN IT?!? One side is doxxing us for being Pro-Palestine and then one side is mad at us cuz they don’t think we’re doing enough.

Plus, I need people to act like we can walk and chew gum at the same time. Just because we're supporting the Harris-Walz ticket doesn't mean we're suddenly forgetting to push the government to do the right thing and stop the bombing of Gaza.

White women have been feeling really bold in their blatant disrespect of Black women recently and I need that type of audacity to go off clearance. Because some of y'all JUST started using your voice and platforms so your social justice hipster self needs to sit down. You just learned who Audre Lorde is yesterday. Relax.

Can we not make these next 90 days feel so long and treacherous? At the minimum, I'm gonna need folks to leave the madness out of my DMs. 🙅🏾‍♀️And if you do bring foolishness to me, my official policy is that I will put you on blast. Because if you want to get really froggy, leap. 🐸

And I'm not really protecting people who bring hate into my inbox. Try the Carpenter, not me. 😤😤😤

Lowkey, it affirmed why I’m launching a space for grownups with sense ONLY. A place where the folks who wanna do life, work and growth better can be in community with each other. Where the riff raffery won’t even be, because it will be filtered out. More to come on that next week.


It’s okay to shed old coats.

Change is hard. And titles? They're even harder. But the hardest thing about change isn't the change itself. It's the nostalgia of what we're leaving behind. 😢

Stepping forward is much harder when the weight of what's behind us is holding onto our ankles. The old titles we carry, that no longer fit us, and the old mindsets we might have, are hard to shed because we wear them like coats. And let me tell you about an old title I've struggled to let go of: blogger. 👩🏾‍💻

And on the 18th anniversary of my website, I’m reflecting deeply on it.

I started blogging in 2003 when I was in college. Deleted that blog when I graduated and started AwesomelyLuvvie.com on August 8, 2006. Even though I had a full time job as a Marketing Coordinator, I'd come home and write on this thing that wasn't paying me a dime. When I got laid off in 2010, it was the leap of faith I was too afraid to take myself. God was like "ma'am, focus."

That blog opened doors for me. It was a divine journey. The first book agent I ever had found me because of my blog in 2014. In 2015, I got my first book deal. In 2016, my first book, I'm Judging You: The Do-Better Manual, came out, instantly hit the NYT bestselling list, and changed my life overnight. It allowed me to retire my mom, which was a lifelong dream.

But after that book KILLT, I ended up being on the road more and more. My speaking business exploded. I could no longer be the person sitting behind the computer screen reacting to this world as I was catching flights and jumping on stages. I felt a lot of guilt about it, like "dangggg I know my audience is probably wondering where I am." 😩

That was 8 years ago, and legit, I have not been able to consistently blog since. Instead, I've churned out 4 books in 8 years, built a multi million dollar business, and became a bestselling book coach. 📚💰

But I've still been holding onto that blogger title. My bio has said "A 20 year blogging veteran, Luvvie writes on AwesomelyLuvvie.com, covering all things culture with a critical yet humorous lens." I've been lying, y'all. I ain't wrote there regularly in who knows how long??

So this week, in honor of AwesomelyLuvvie.com's 18th birthday, I'm finally releasing that era of my life. I'm removing it from my main bio. BUT the site isn't going away (there’s too many GEMS there). It's there as a record of my work as a thinker and writing. I might even post there from time to time if the spirit moves me. But it's time I stop lying to myself.

Removing it from my bio means I'm finally releasing a significant chapter and title from my life. HUGE. That website has chronicled my journey as a cultural voice, a part time comedian, and a side eye sorceress. To say it has been instrumental in my journey is an understatement. So to remove BLOGGER from my MAIN IDENTIFIER is a big deal.

But it is time. I am no longer a blogger. As I shed that title, I fully step into who I am being evolved to be, by God. I’m a bestselling author, an internationally sought after speaker, a dope book coach, an incredible branding strategist. I’m a community builder. I am multitudes. Most importantly, I’m a wife, sister, friend, child of God.

We must shed old coats that no longer fit us, even if they were our favorites. We must know when certain assignments end. We must clear space to step into what awaits us that is for us. We thank the old for the ways it protected and pushed us, and we look towards the new with hope, lighter for it. 🌟

So here's to new chapters, new titles, and new adventures. Thank you, AwesomelyLuvvie.com, for everything. You've served me well, but it's time for both of us to move on. Onward and upward, y'all! 🚀


Take a stroll down memory lane with Awesomely Luvvie's greatest hits

As we're saying goodbye to the Awesomely Luvvie era, I can't help but feel nostalgic. So this week, I'm recommending we take a trip back in time and revisit some of the old faithfuls and classic posts that made AwesomelyLuvvie.com the cultural force it became. 🕰️MY BLOG WAS A VIBE, A TIME and A MOMENT.

From my legendary Scandal recaps to calling out my arch-nemesis (yes, I'm looking at you, Spirit Airlines), from roasting the Dumbest Tweets to dragging Cheeto Satan, and from writing about injustice to celebrating joy—this blog was a rollercoaster of emotions, laughs, and truth-telling. 🎢

For my OGs, remember those posts that still live rent-free in your heads? The ones that had you cackling so hard your neighbors probably thought you were losing it? Or the ones that made you say "PREACH!" at your screen? Yeah, those are the ones I'm talking about. 🙌🏾

And for those who might be new to the Luvvie train, this is your chance to see where it all began. Trust me, you're in for a treat. 🍿

So here's what I want you to do: Click on this link to check out some of these classics:

Take some time to scroll through, laugh a little (or a lot), and maybe even learn something. It's like a time capsule of cultural commentary, sprinkled with a healthy dose of side-eye and real talk. 👀

So go on, take that stroll down memory lane. I promise it'll be worth it. And who knows? You might just find yourself inspired to start some good trouble of your own. 😉

Before you go, I'd love to hear from you. And this week, I have TWO questions:

  1. Is there an old coat (titles, mindsets etc) you’re holding on to that you are now shedding?
  2. What's your all-time favorite Awesomely Luvvie post?

Hit reply and let me know!

Disclaimer: I receive commissions for purchases made through some of the links in this newsletter. All thoughts and vouching are mine. I keep it 💯!


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