On Family Fierceness, Monumental Milestones and Voter Vigilance

Hey Reader,

What a week it has been! I had the incredible honor of attending the 2024 DNC in person, and let me tell you, my tired is tired and my feet hurt. But every ache, every blister, every moment of exhaustion? Totally worth it. This week was beyond incredible. 🥹🫶🏾

Being in that room, feeling the energy, witnessing history unfold before my eyes; it's something I'll never forget. But before I get too sentimental, let's dive into what's on my mind this week. 💭


Don't come for Gus Walz, Ella Emhoff, or any member of these families!

We’ve adopted Gus Walz and Ella Emhoff as our newest nephew and niece and folks need to recognize what that means. And they raggedy troglodytes on the right have been using Ella as a verbal target cuz she got tattoos and is quirky. Like… the type of person you’d meet at a Starbucks and end up becoming fast friends with. ❤️

And Gus? Well he won our hearts when he was in utter shambles crying as his dad Tim was on stage. He was so proud and so emotive and how could you not love him??? Then we found out he’s neurodivergent, which also makes me want to protect him more because we know how unkind this world can be to people who are differently abled.


The Walz and Harris-Emhoff families are showing us a vision of what's possible, what love can look like, and how families can support each other in the political spotlight. And what do they get? Criticism and mockery from small-minded individuals who can't fathom a world beyond their narrow views. 😩

Ann Coulter took to Twitter to call Gus “weird” and I’m like… ma'am, you're the walking embodiment of soul rot. I need you to GTAFO. 😒

I want people to be better, and if they won’t, they can go kick boulders with no shoes on. And the aunties and uncles of America are ready to fight folks for these kids. 💪🏾


History is to be witnessed and documented and not to be repeated.

Being at the DNC to see Vice President Kamala Harris accept the nomination to become President of the United States is a moment I'll carry with me for the rest of my life. It wasn't just about one woman on that stage but about honoring everyone who paved the way before her. 🙌🏾

I think about the fact that I was also at the DNC in 2016 when Hillary Clinton became the Democratic nominee for President. Another historic moment that paved its way for this.

But both of them stand on the shoulders of another woman.

Last night, I was in my red suit, as a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. And I wore a t-shirt of my late, great soror, Shirley Chisholm, the first Black woman elected to Congress and the first Black woman to seek nomination for president (1972). UNBOUGHT and UNBOSSED indeed. 🐘❤️✊🏾

Shirley never made it to the top of the ticket, but the cracks she put in the glass ceiling are now shattering. And my hope and prayer is that the glass is shattered for good come November 5, 2024. 🙏🏾

History is meant to be witnessed and documented but not repeated. For me, in this moment, it means we are here to watch it unfold, tell people about it, and work to cross the finish line so that Kamala can be the FIRST female president of the United States. And after the first, it will no longer be historic for a woman to lead this country.

Let us get Kamala into the most important office in the land, so that our daughters, won’t have to hit their heads against the glass that many before have tried to break through. Let’s get this done once and for all. ✊🏾

Beyond the fact that she’s a woman, she’s also one of the most qualified people to seek this office EVER. Like… switch her gender out, and she’s still top of the list in terms of credentials. 🟢

Kamala Harris is not a savior and she’s not perfect. We do not have to agree with all of her policies. For us to agree with everything every candidate will vote for, WE will need to be the ones running for office ourselves. What I know is that I would rather fight for the rights of all people (Palestinian, Sudanese, Congolese…) under a Harris-Walz administration than under a Trump-Vance admin. That's one of the crucial things we must consider as we move forward. I feel like we have a chance to be HEARD under one administration, while the other won't even consider our voices. We can support a Harris admin while committing to challenge them. Our job as citizens doesn't end at the ballot box. It's our responsibility to hold our leaders accountable, to push them to do better, to fight for those whose voices often go unheard.

So yes, let's celebrate this historic moment. And let’s commit to turning our hope into action. We didn’t see it through in 2016, with Hillary. Shirley didn’t get a fair chance to even be on the ballot. But we are here, with another chance to make this history. Let’s not fck it up, please. Partly because IT IS ABOUT TIME WE HAD AN INCREDIBLE WOMAN RUN THIS COUNTRY! And not to be underestimated is the tragedy of a 2nd Trump term. I refuse to even imagine it. 🙅🏾‍♀️

I’m ready for this historic moment to become mundane because it is no longer unprecedented for a woman to lead the United States.

LET’S GO!!! 💪🏾


Check your voter registration.

Listen up, fam. This is crucial. There are states actively removing voter registrations from the rolls. Visit VOTE.gov and make sure that your registration is still active and that you’ve updated your address and all. We can’t play games for this election because we know that the GOP is getting desperate and are looking for ways to silence us. 🗣️❌

Our voices matter, and we need to make sure we're ready to use them come November. So take five minutes right now and check your registration. For real. I'll wait. ⏳

Don't let anyone suppress your vote. Stay informed, stay registered, and let's make our voices heard! 🗳️

Before you go, I'd love to hear from you: What's one way you plan to stay engaged and active in the political process beyond just voting? Hit reply and let me know.

Stay loud, stay proud, and stay engaged! 🙏🏾

P.S. I’m dropping the full links to my DNC outfits in my Patreon next week. Jump on in!


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