On Chaotic Celebrations, Courageous Choices and Caring Companions

Hey Reader,

I enjoy 4th of July because I get the day off, not because of America’s “Independence.” Besides, birthday parties shouldn’t be thrown for countries on the verge of fascism and f*ckery. 🙅🏾‍♀️

It’s basically “Happy We BBQ Day.” 🍖🍗 Or “Happy I Don’t Have to Answer Emails” Day. 📵 Or Happy “It’s Hot and Summer is truly Here” Day. ☀️🥵 It surely ain’t a day for me to wear red, white and blue and raise a flag that is smeared with blood from centuries of denigration of those whose land we stand on, and those who helped build it from ground up.

Anyway, today’s rant is related to that…


I hate 4th of July neighborhood Fireworks

Lemme go on the record, as the cantankerous auntie that I am, that I HATE HATE HATE the fact that around the 4th of July, folks buy thousands of dollars worth of fireworks and pop them off for hours and days, in residential neighborhoods across this wretched country. 🤦🏾‍♀️

I don't see the upside. They're expensive, obnoxious AF and potentially destructive. Like cut it TF out. We are tired! 😫

People who are veterans, pets 🐶🐱, people who just wanna rest and not have our heart rates sky high, suffer from it. Not just that, they’re not good for the environment, they can start fires, and I know birds be out here unable to deal as these things are going off endlessly.

Someone said this on my IG and it is so apt: “Fireworks are Loud, obnoxious, destructive. So is America. Perfect match.” 💯

And when we complain about it, folks talmbout “it’s tradition.” And disrespectfully, lemme say that traditions can go to hell. They’re often harmful and need to be stopped.

I was holding one of my friends’ daughters (a 2 year old) yesterday in their backyard and fireworks started popping off in the alley and she got so scared and her little voice went “nooo” as she shook her head. She had to go inside cuz she was so distraught. Some folks gon say “well some kids like it! It brings them joy.” Kids, who will also eat dirt and play-doh, are the ones you’re making the Enjoyment Barometers? Get a grip. 🙄

Why do we keep doing this? And frankly, I think my tolerance for random explosions in neighborhoods is at an all time low. I’ve watched too many videos of what’s happening in Gaza, to hear random dynamite going off and welcome it. We have the privilege of being entertained by displays of popping fireworks and sounds, and for others, it is sign of impending harm and doom. I’m over it all. 😩


We always have the power to choose differently, despite past choices or fears.

Our lives unfold as a series of choices. Either choices that were made for us or choices we made ourselves. Now, the part that’s good to know and scary to realize, is that we can choose different at any point. Like… ANY point. Let me break that down a little bit more in case you just rolled your eyes. 👀

The choices made for us when we’re younger reverberate and create a domino effect. Then we get grown and we are living in what the consequences of those are. The part that is both good and scary is that we can choose for ourselves to interrupt what we are doing and go another path. It’s good because you can recognize you have the power to go LEFT instead of RIGHT. It’s scary because it requires courage to go against what you know, what is predictable, what is comfortable.

And that shit is HARD AF. Whether it’s that your parents wanted you to become a doctor and told you that’s your path (a choice made for you) so you decided to obey that and go to med school (a choice you made) but you hate being a doctor. You have 2 choices: stay in the career OR do something else. 🤔💭

Your decision is difficult. Because to stay means you wake up, dreading your day, every day. OR you leave and disappoint your parents and your patients and maybe even your partner.

The choice, no matter how easy or difficult, is yours. Because as much as we think life happens TO US, it also gives us the chance to move differently, and many of us leave that chance behind for a variety of reasons.

We might not believe we have the power to make a different choice.
We might be afraid of what is on the other side of the choice.
We might have given up hope of better so we simply settle.

Whatever the reason that we decide to stick with jobs, relationships, situations, mindsets, that we’re in, that we know no longer fit or serve us, it is valid and no judgment. 🙏🏾

I’m simply asking us to recognize that we are living in a SERIES OF CHOICES. And if we are not fulfilled, I hope we know that we can choose different. It might not be easy at all. It might mean we lose some things. It might mean we’re taking leaps that make us lose our breaths. But LIFE requires us to LIVE either actively or passively. And if we are going to be here, on this plane, we might as well CHOOSE for ourselves. And choose, in a way that honors God, your soul and your purpose. ❤️

Reader, the choices that led you here, don’t have to keep you here. You have a right to choose different and you have the power to make it work. And if you’re a person of faith, you have God to order your steps. 🙏🏾


Get Your Fur Babies Dope Treats from Ava’s Pet Palace!

While folks are out here popping fireworks like it's their job, our four-legged squad is SHOOK. 😱 I thought it’d be a good time to recommend an incredible Black-owned company that creates treats and products for your fave animals: Ava’s Pet Palace. The company was created by 8-year old Ava Dorsey, who had a passion for the well being of animals, so she wanted to make snacks for them that were all natural and organic. Ava is now 17 and the company is thriving. ❤

I picked the company for my Black Business Luvv project back in 2021 and I’m still a proud supporter of this family business. The treats ensure your pet gets the best care without any harmful additives, and you can feel confident knowing they’re safe and healthy for your fave fur baby. 🌿

So head over to their website and hook your furry bestie up. You can use the code LUVVIE15 for 15% off your total. Trust me, your dog will thank you for the peace and quiet. 🐕💤

Given the power to choose differently at any point in life, what changes would you make today? 👀 Reply to this email and lemme know!

Disclaimer: I receive commissions for purchases made through some of the links in this newsletter. All thoughts and vouching are mine. I keep it 💯!


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