On Shining Spirits, Shedding Burdens and Smart Self-Care Solutions

Hey reader,

Have you ever had one of those moments where you look around at your circle and just feel overwhelmed with pride? That's been me lately, y'all. 🥹

My friends have been out here SHINING, and I'm choiceless but to stan! From book deals to newsletters, new shows to major awards, it feels like every time I turn around, someone in my circle is leveling up. 🚀

But let me tell you about last night. I watched my girl Jotaka Eaddy, the force behind Win With Black Women, featured in a live broadcast with Oprah and Kamala Harris (Unite With America). Y'all, I was BEAMING. 😍

Another friend announced her book deal. One friend and client announced her book is ready for preorder. Another friend became a part of a big fellowship. I’m over here clapping like the proud cousin that I am. 🥹❤️

It got me thinking about how important it is to celebrate our people's wins. To shout their accomplishments from the rooftops. To be that hype squad that lifts each other up. 🙌🏾

But here's the thing, we shouldn't just wait for others to call out our accomplishments. Which brings me to what's been on my mind lately...


Stop being quiet about your dopeness.

I’ve been talking about this for the last couple of days, but it bears repeating. The responses I’ve gotten have even let me know 🗣️

We've been taught that humility is a virtue, that we shouldn't "brag" or "show off." But there's a big difference between being arrogant and acknowledging your hard work and God's grace. When we stay quiet about our wins, we're not just being modest; we're actively participating in our own erasure. 😤

Think about it. How many times have you downplayed your achievements? How often have you brushed off compliments with a quick "Oh, it was nothing"? It’s not serving you at all. All it’s doing is making it easy for folks to overlook you. 🙅🏾‍♀️

I'm not saying you should go around shouting your resume from the rooftops (though if you want to, go right ahead!). But there's power in owning your success, in standing tall and saying, "Yeah, I did that. And I worked hard for it." 💪🏾

So the next time you're tempted to downplay your achievements, remember this: Your wins are not just your own. They're a testament to your hard work, yes, but they're also a beacon of hope for someone else. They're proof that dreams can be achieved, that barriers can be broken.

Let folks know, y'all. Let them know that you're out here doing the damn thing. Because your light? It's meant to shine. So stop hiding it under a bushel and let it GLOW. 🌟

Remember, humility doesn't mean making yourself small. True humility is knowing your worth and using it to lift others up. So stand tall, speak up, and let the world know what you're capable of. Trust me, we're all better for it. 🙌🏾


Drop the assignments that aren’t yours so you can pick up those that are.

Now that we've talked about not being quiet about our wins, let's talk about how sometimes, the reason we're not shining as bright as we could is that we're carrying too much that isn't ours to begin with. 🎒

Assignments can be jobs, people, tasks or even mindsets.

That starts with letting go of the things that aren’t ours to hold on to anymore.

We're out here trying to juggle fifty-eleven things and in the busy of it all, we might lose sight of what we’re actually supposed to be doing. Because we’re stuck on the hamster wheel of what we’ve BEEN doing.

I’m a firm believer of seasonal assignments. I remember a few years ago, when I realized that the season of my nonprofit had ended. It was really tough for me to decide to close it down, because I had been running it for 9 years. BUT it was past time. And right after closing it down, it made sense why I needed to have done it. With my plate a little less loaded, I was able to work on my next book (which turned out to be Professional Troublemaker). 📚

It's time to drop the stuff that isn't meant for us. Things we’ve taken on out of guilt, obligation or because we think we "should." Those aren't our assignments. They're distractions that keep us from focusing on what we need to.

When we're carrying all that extra weight, our hands are too full to grab onto the opportunities that are truly meant for us. We're so busy doing what we think we're supposed to do that we miss out on what we're called to do. It's like trying to hold a spotlight while juggling bowling pins: you can't do both effectively! 🤹🏾‍♀️

So I challenge you to take a look at what you have on your plate. What's on there that doesn't align with your purpose? What's weighing you down instead of lifting you up? It's time to let that stuff go. Because when you do, you create space. Space for growth, for opportunity, for the things that are truly yours.

So go ahead and drop those assignments that aren't yours. Your real work, your true light, is waiting. And trust me, it's bright enough to light up the whole damn sky. 🙌🏾


Get some data behind your self care with the Oura Ring.

You know I’m tryna get my life together with my self-care. And one of the things that’s been helping me is the Oura Ring that I rock and love (and have had for 2 years)! 💍

It’s a piece of jewelry that also tracks your wellness, sleep, stress and all that. Notice how I said “jewelry” first but that’s cuz I love dripppp. You might have noticed a ring on my left pointer finger. It’s a thick gold one and it looks dope, I won’t lie. Well, that’s the Oura Ring. I bought one that would match the rest of my jewelry (yellow gold). 💍❤️

Anywho, my fave thing about it is the sleep tracker, which quantifies how well you’re sleeping, using a series of criteria. When you get a 70 score too many nights in a row, you def wanna do better, cuz 85+ is optimal. 👀

It also tracks activity, temperature, heart rate and stress levels. I will tell you, it doesn’t lie. The days where I am most stressed, it confirms it with the data.

Beyond sleep, it’s a wellness tracker. When I got my first COVID vaccine, my ring told me to take it easy for the day because it detected my temperature was 2 degrees higher than the norm. All I wanna do is make my Oura ring proud of me, so when it tells me my sleep score is 85, I fist pump. 💪🏾

So if you’re looking for a tracker that is not a watch, check out the OURA RING. It’s dope. 👌🏾

So tell me, what's currently weighing you down and what keeps you from dropping it? Hit reply and let me know!

P.S. I have something that will be valuable. I’ve built a space called the Professional Troublemakers community, where we support each other to show up boldly and do life and work better. If you love these posts, THAT is the space you should be in, as I drop resources, tools and actionable things for people to use. I'm inviting you to join us: Patreon.com/Luvvie


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