On Patronizing Prayers, Powerful Partnerships and Peaceful Pastimes

Is it just me, or does it feel like we're living in some bizarro version of "The Truman Show" meets "House of Cards" meets "Idiocracy"? 🤔 Because I swear, the writers of this season of "America" have completely lost the plot.

We've gone from "edge of your seat" to "hiding under the couch" faster than you can say "electoral college." The showrunners need to get it together, and fast. 🏃🏾‍♀️💨

I need America's showrunners to give us less "Scandal" and more "West Wing."

Now, let's dive into what's really grinding my gears this week...


I'm not wasting prayers on wannabe dictators.

Pure chaos in these streets. Cuz after what happened at the Cheeto rally, folks talmbout we need to pray for him. And my flabber is gasted cuz I know you not telling me to spend my precious prayer time with my Good Father interceding for Satan’s minion in any way.

You mean the person who got up the next day to go play a golf game, in between choosing a racist care bear as his VP and then being the usher of the Project 2025 Handmaid’s Tale Realized plan?

THAT GUY? The one who is actively trying to dismantle democracy and human rights. That's like asking me to pray for Stalin's stubbed toe or Robert E. Lee's hurt feelings. It's ridiculous, it's embarrassing, and quite frankly, it's offensive. 🙅🏾‍♀️

I’m not advocating for violence but let’s not pretend that he hasn’t been sowing division, spreading hate, and inciting violence for years. And now we're supposed to rally around him? Nah, I'm good. 🙄

There are people in Gaza, Sudan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen, and Congo who desperately need our prayers and support. There are marginalized communities right here in America fighting for their basic rights and dignity. THOSE are the people I'm lifting up in my prayers. Not some wannabe dictator.

Yes, I know prayer, like power and privilege, is in infinite supply, but even in its endlessness, I still ain’t gon’ use my precious supplication time to lift that troglodyte up. I’m not yet at that part in my walk with Jesus. I’m still at the “Flip the Tables” part.


Radical community will save us.

One thing I know in this moment is that we are being called to deepen community. It feels clear, and it is a KNOWING. No matter what happens in November, no matter what chaos the world throws our way, Our assignment (should we choose to accept it, which… we better), is radical collectivism.

There are a lot of things to be afraid of, and despair could set in. But what we need to recognize, and what has been a lesson that we’ve been taught (but refuse to learn) is that this human experiment is meant to be a group project. And I think the state of the world as it is right now is that we forgot that we are each other’s responsibility.

COVID was supposed to teach us that but we ran right past that lesson the moment everything opened back up and we left it all behind. And what happens to lessons unlearned? They get slapped into us.

I often talk about how I am grateful that I am constantly surrounded by villages of people, and that is a swaddling. People I know I can rest with, go to with problems, ask for advice and even if I need, ask for money. THAT is in itself a form of freedom. Why? Because village is a verb. Community is a verb.

This is a time that we need to deepen our connections, on and offline. Because regardless of who is in what office, if we have our strong networks, we can get whatever we need. WHATEVER. And WE need to be those providers for folks we know too.

We might feel like things are going haywire (and they are). And they could be worse, but do they have to? And things might get rough. But if they do, how will we build, deepen and BE in community with each other so we can be insulated from the worst of it? I feel it deep in my bones that we have nothing to fear if we have each other. 🙏🏾❤️

So that is why, more than ever, we have to form radical community, friendships, family systems, networks. The type that heals your ask wounds, and exists to be of service. Because THAT, my friends, is what will save us. If we have that, we will be okay. 👌🏾

This rebuild that's happening around us? This divine design that's unfolding as it should? I’m ensuring that my village is tight and whole.

Who are your people? Find them. Hold on to them. When we do that, there is no losing.

I’m holding on to these words from the late, great Gwendolyn Brooks, who said: “We are each other's harvest; we are each other's business; we are each other's magnitude and bond.”


Get your soul care on with some coloring

These times we're living in require some serious soul care. And sometimes, that means we need to step away from the chaos and do something that soothes our spirit. 🧘🏾‍♀️✨

I’m getting back to making sure I have hobbies to escape, recenter and tap into my inner child. And this weekend, I spent HOURS coloring. HOURS and I had such a good time. Specifically, I was coloring some animal boards, which is this week’s recommendation for you: coloring board sets from Life of Colour. 🎨

I actually found them as an IG ad a few weeks ago and I ordered the sets, plus some paint markers.

I opened the box and was geeked. Look at this.

And I went to work just coloring my little heart out and it was so soothing to my spirit. LOOKA ME GO! 😁😁😁

This elephant was my first choice because I love elephants anddddd I’m a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc and IYKYK.

A few hours later, this was my masterpiece.

Ain’t she cute?!? I can hang this up and make it decor too so I think I’m gonna put it in my office.

It was such a great way to unplug and recharge. I’m definitely about to order more of these. AND Life of Colour is a small business, created by an artist in Australia. That made it even sweeter to support them in that way.

So, do yourself a favor and get your hands on some coloring boards. I recommend you also include the paint markers. They were perfect for the board and you can even blend the paint if you wanna add some razzle dazzle.

Set aside some time this week - even if it's just 15 minutes - to color, paint, or create something. Your soul will thank you. 🙏🏾

Remember, taking care of yourself isn't selfish - it's necessary. We can't pour from an empty cup, and we sure can't build radical community if we're running on fumes. So color away, my friend. Color away. 🌈

Sooo… what is ONE thing you will do to deepen community this week?

Disclaimer: I receive commissions for purchases made through some of the links in this newsletter. All thoughts and vouching are mine. I keep it 💯!


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