On Virtuous Visions, Vital Voices and Valorous Ventures

Hey Reader,

What a week it's been! 😮‍💨 Like… We’ve gone from being all ho-hum about democracy to having Kamala Harris as our presumptive frontrunner and we have been RUNNING SINCE. ✨

Sunday evening, I was on the Win With Black Women call I’ve been on since 2020, started by my sisterfriend Jotaka Eaddy. And 44,000 other women joined it, to strategize on how to win the White House. We basically almost broke Zoom and their engineers had to expand capacity in real time.

Y'all, what happened next was nothing short of magical. We raised more than $1.5 million in just two hours! 💰💪🏾The energy was electric, the sisterhood was palpable, and I felt FED and LIFTED in a way I can't even put into words.

And then on Monday night, tens of thousands of Black men joined a similar call and raised $1.3 million. Yesterday was a call where 200,000 white women showed up and raised over $8.5 million for the Kamala Harris campaign.

I'm still buzzing from the experience. To be in villages of Black women is to be swaddled. It's a feeling of safety, of power, of possibility. This wasn't just a call - it was a core memory in the making. 🥹❤️

So yeah, we started the week with a plot twist, but we're ending it with hope, determination, and a whole lot of Black girl magic. We move, y'all. We move. 🚀

Now, let's dive into what's on my mind this week...


America ain't ready? Well, it's time for a growth spurt, y'all!

I've been seeing all takes about how "America isn't ready for a Black woman president" and I'm like “that’s not how change works.” Since when does progress wait for everyone to be comfortable?

America ain't "ready" for a lot of things, but guess what? Growth spurts don't come with a permission slip. Growth spurts don’t ask for consent, and typically people don’t opt into it when it happens to them. It’s like a teenager who is going through puberty. Puberty doesn’t come to them asking “can I make your hormones go crazy and your voice change?” Nah, it just comes through and wrecks shop so that on the other side of it is who they are growing into. It’s a rite of passage and it's happening whether you like it or not! 🚀

Since Sunday, the Harris campaign has broken fundraising records and has gotten enough delegates to clinch the nomination. There’s much work to be done but we’re seeing that the change that this country has fought so hard to prevent is coming in waves, from our desperation of seeing what another side wants to do.

We are ready for change if we say we are. If YOU are a part of America, and you're ready for change, then be an active part of that change with action. We can't just sit back and wait for everyone else to catch up. We're trying to stop Thanos from getting the infinity gauntlet here, people! 🦸🏾‍♀️

And through it all, we cannot underestimate the desperation of the wealthy folks in the shadows. They're seeing this as a wrench in their plans to turn us into some real-life Handmaid's Tale nonsense. The next few months might be a WILD RIDE. 🎢

So what are we gonna do? We're gonna stay focused. We're gonna be clear. We're gonna be undistracted (word to Brittany Packnett Cunningham’s podcast, which I'm subscribed to, by the way). 👀

We can build the world we want, but we cannot relinquish it with the idea that "America is not ready." This is gonna require ACTION. So let's get to work, shall we? 💪🏾🔥


We need to know our roles and do our part.

Seeing all the energy since Sunday, and even seeing my own DMs and texts being flooded once I spoke on the Win With Black Women call has me wanting to stay still in the running that is happening. Because sometimes, we need to pause to run fast.

Lemme explain. I’ve gotten folks in my DMs asking me to do 1,000 things since Sunday. And I already know I do have a role to play in these next few months, but overall, in general. To be an agent of change, and to wield power is to also be tempted to do and be everything for everyone. But we not gon do that.

Instead, I know it is CRITICAL to know my role, commit to it, and do it. I am to do my part, and leave the rest to everyone else. This is how we will avoid overwhelm and burnout, especially at such a time that will ask more of us than we’ve been previously giving. How do we not drown when we’re trying to save the world?

I think the key is to know what we’re good at and what energizes us. Then we need to do that and (as much as possible) only that.

I’m a huge fan of this powerful social change ecosystem framework by Deepa Iyer. It’s a circle of ten roles, all interconnected, all crucial for creating real, lasting change. At the center? Values like equity, inclusion, justice, and solidarity.

Let's break it down:

  1. Weavers: Connecting people, building coalitions
  2. Experimenters: Innovating, exploring new solutions
  3. Frontline Responders: Addressing community crises
  4. Visionaries: Imagining a better future
  5. Builders: Creating and implementing ideas
  6. Caregivers: Nurturing and healing
  7. Disruptors: Challenging the status quo
  8. Healers: Promoting individual and collective healing
  9. Storytellers: Crafting narratives that move people
  10. Guides: Coaching and mentoring others

The fun fact is that I could see myself being like 5 of these roles. HA! And that’s okay.

Knowing your role isn't about putting yourself in a box. It's about understanding how you can contribute most effectively, how you can collaborate more powerfully, and how you can sustain your efforts for the long haul. Because this fight isn't a sprint—it's a marathon. 🏃🏾‍♀️

Your role might shift depending on the situation. That's okay! The point is to be intentional about how you show up. Understanding your role can sharpen your focus and amplify your impact. 🔍💥

Remember, change doesn't just happen. We make it happen. So let's get clear on our roles and let’s get to work. The future we want is counting on us. 🚀🌟


Join the Creator Call: Wielding Our Platforms with Purpose

For my fellow content creators, influencers, and anyone with a significant platform! 📣 We need to talk.

These next few months leading up to the November election are CRITICAL. We're in the fight of our lives, and we can't afford to handle this like we're in some siloed bubble. Whether your niche is politics or not, it's time for us to come together and discuss how we can use our platforms responsibly and effectively. 💪🏾🎤

On behalf of Win With Black Women, I've organized a special PLATFORM POWER call for creators like us to talk about how we can wield our platforms with intention in these crucial times. This isn't just another Zoom meeting to add to your calendar. This is about strategy, purpose, and making a real impact. 🔥

Remember, words mean things. They transform into energy. So right now, we need to be careful and intentional with our voices. Speaking hopelessness out loud serves no one. Instead, let's come together and figure out how we can use our influence to inspire action, spread accurate information, and mobilize our audiences. 🗣️💡

If you're ready to step up and be part of this important conversation, REGISTER FOR THE CALL on Monday, July 29, 2024 at 6pm ET. ALL creators welcome, no matter what your background is.

This is our moment to make a difference. Let's not waste it. I'll see you on the call! 🚀

So, I want you to ask yourself: Which of the 10 social change roles resonates with you? 🤔💡 Hit reply and let me know!

Disclaimer: I receive commissions for purchases made through some of the links in this newsletter. All thoughts and vouching are mine. I keep it 💯!


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